Select English Cambridge
58 Hills Road, Cambridge, England, CB" 1LA, UK
Select English Cambridge
Listening, Speaking, Pronunciation, Reading, Writing, Vocabulary, Grammar і Activities
розклад занять може змінюватись залежно від доступності та сезону
Levels: we have Elementary to Advanced levels from September to June. Each student undergoes a level test on the morning of their first day – writing and speaking components – before joining their class.progress is monitored throughout the course with weekly progress tests and tutorials.
Teachers: we have a dynamic and enthusiastic team who all hold recognised teaching qualifications and they all have years of experience in imparting English courses across the world as well as here in Cambridge. They know what it takes to improve and pass international exams, and will be with you every step of the way during the course.
Objectives: you will learn how English is used in real-life, focussing on the use of the four key skills (speaking, listening, writing and reading). In addition to modern textbooks and resources, teachers regularly use a mix of media and sources for stimulating classroom use.
Atmosphere: we encourage you to actively participate in lessons. Our classes have a relaxed and supportive yet hard-working atmosphere and we aim to make your course with us fun, enjoyable and productive.
Students on our courses are able to choose the option of studying IELTS (International English Language Testing System) or for the Cambridge exams during their afternoon classes (this is subject to there being a minimum of 6 students with the right level of English for an exam class). Also, students should have at least an intermediate level of English to start the IELTS course.
Exam Details:
IELTS: Select English have a long history of teaching IELTS to international students who plan to go onto further academic studies in the UK or who simply want to demonstrate their ability through an internationally recognised qualification. At the end of the course, our Director of Studies can assist students in registering to take the IELTS examination in Cambridge.
Середнє число | 8 студентів |
Максимум | 12 студентів |
Віковий діапазон | 16 років і старші |
Вперше програма Select English була заснована в 1991 році. Ми прагнемо забезпечити високоякісне, персоналізоване навчання, яке допомагає нашим студентам досягати своїх навчальних цілей. Як невелика сімейна школа, ми ставимося до всіх нашим іноземних студентів як до особистостей і пропонуємо дружне, стимулююче, підтримуюче, інклюзивне середовище, яке допоможе вам на кожному етапі вашого навчання. Ми вважаємо, що вивчення курсів англійської мови в Кембріджі з нами - це унікальний досвід. Кембрідж сам по собі є винятковим місцем для навчання, як місто, багате культурою і прекрасними університетами, які надихають на вивчення англійської мови.
Select English Cambridge пропонує IELTS курси англійської мови, поряд з багатьма курсами протягом року. Крім наших постійних шкільних будівель в місті, у нас також є літні курси в школах-інтернатах за межами Кембріджу. Select English Кембрідж акредитований Британською Радою та ISI. Наша висококваліфікована команда викладачів прагне забезпечити чудовий стандарт навчання, в той час як наш відданий фахівець з питань розміщення, відповідальний за соціальне забезпечення і цілодобова служба екстреного телефонного зв'язку гарантують, що благополуччя наших студентів є головним пріоритетом.
Нам подобається просторий кампус, що складається з 4 красивих будівель з доглянутими садами в задній частині. Студенти користуються спільною кімнатою, безкоштовним Wi-Fi і комп'ютерною кімнатою. На наших цілорічних курсах щотижня проводяться соціальні заходи, а на літніх курсах дуже насичена і цікава соціальна програма.
Національна та вікова різноманітність Select English Cambridge варіюється залежно від періоду часу, курсів та рівнів.
does не проводить заняття протягом святкових дат вказаних нижче. Школа не компенсуватиме ці канікули, тому переконайтеся, що ви вибрали дату початку відповідно.
Школа знаходиться на Станційній дорозі в центрі Кембріджа, неподалік від місцевих кафе і супермаркетів. Це за 15 хвилин ходьби або за декілька хвилин поїздки на автобусі до головного торгового району міста. Кембрідж розташований менш ніж за годину поїздки потягом від Лондона.
I really enjoyed the two weeks, I spent in Select English. The classes great! It was a good learning atmosphere and I liked the choice of topics we dealt with, especially the study and survey analysis we often did in the afternoon lessons. The seize of the classes is good too, with around 10 people it is easier to get involved in the classroom. The teachers were nice too.
Regarding the location, there is no need of critic, since most students house at the edge of Cambridge, so the central city as location is the best for the school. Otherwise some would have to drive very far...
But on my first day it took me some time until I found the small door, so maybe you could send new students a small map of the area around the school.
The activities were very nice too. But it would have been nice, if I had known the schedule of activities earlier, since I didn't stay as long as that I could have gone to London at the end of my two weeks.
The housing was great as well. My host was very easy-going and cooked dinner for me nearly every day.
Only lunch wasn't that good, because you had to buy something from the Tesco.
Everithing was OK but the house was disgusting. Uninhabitable, it was dirty as hell.
Показати деталі » Читати більше cosa più bella sicuramente, le sue splendide persone che ho conosciuto nell alloggio in casa famiglia, Margaret e Bob!
la scuola molto carina, forse bisognerebbe dedicare più tempo a spronare i ragazzi ad aumentare di livello.
per me era molto importante salire di livello, purtroppo in 6 settimane sono arrivato solo ad un B1.
Great experience for me meeting interesting people all over the world and improving my language skills
Показати деталі » Читати більше...My personal experience of Select English Cambridge was very interesting because now I don't afraid of speaking anymore. The teachers were very good, particularly Richard. He was with us in the pub last Friday. The location of the school is in the center of city and it is very easy to arrive everyday to the school. The classes haven't too many people and each student has the possibility of participate to the lecture. I would like to have a on-line course for exercise now.
Показати деталі » Читати більше...the accommodation all in all good except cleaning a little poor. very helpful teachers and also the school staff was very helpful, even the organization from the airport to the accommodation was very good
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Thank you for your feedback, we're happy that you enjoyed your stay
Select English
Everything was really great. Teachers were very friendly and caring. Unfortunately one teacher didn't meet my expectations. He didn't engage himself into lesson as i wished he will. Overall the location was great as well as facilities. I have nothing to complain about.
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Thank you for your feedback, we're happy that you enjoyed your stay
Select English
Totally satisfied in my experience at Barnadiston Hall! Teacher, mates, people, activities, location and even food satisfied my expectations. I would absolutely recommend!
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Thank you for your feedback, we're happy that you enjoyed your stay
Select English
Our teacher Jessica (from Italy) was very good at teaching English language. I really enjoyed attending the course with her. I love the way she uses to make things easier for us to understand. Here i could make new friends, could get to know their culture and learned to be more social, in this language training center is where you can enjoy your time learning also everyone is friendly, kind and social. i really really recommend this place, you don't need to start from the scratch as you take a replacement test at your first day of arrival.
the housing was good. i could interact with the family and learn about the culture.
I love everything here, teachers, the center, the whole team, Cambridge, the location of the center. etc.
Thank you for your feedback, we're happy that you enjoyed your stay
Select English
I was in Cambridge for a week in July. I had a really good week. I stayed in a guesthouse, where two others girls stayed. The hostess was very kind. Her home was a 35 minute walk to the school. I didn't mind to walk that long every day, so I didn't look for other options like bus or bike. I didn't know where I should go in the school, but there was a woman, who helped me. That made a good impression on me. I took a test and after that the lessons already started. I had really nice teachers. I liked the fact that they were very knowledgeable. The location of the school was fine it was near the center, my classes weren't in the main building. There were activities that you could join in with the group.
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Thank you for your feedback, we're happy that you enjoyed your stay
Select English
My family and I have been part of Select English family since 2009.
In which our daughters have access to the best learning course of English. Therefore we chose the best location and the best English course. Carolina, my oldest daughter, aged 16, is going to live in Cambridge to finish elementary school.
We were oriented by Select English.
We entirely trust the team that they are going to take care of the accommodation and English School.
We believe that you have highly qualified professionals not only to teach English but also set examples to be followed.
Thank you for your feedback, we're happy that you enjoyed your stay
Select English
I studied English at Select English and achieved a reasonable IELTS score. I recommend the college if you would like to learn English with well trained academic staff in a friendly atmosphere. I genuinely enjoyed my time in the college, and got to meet different people with different nationalities and developed a good friendship with them.
Показати деталі » Читати більше...Thank you so much for the kind review , it is really nice to hear feedback from students
I hated the English language before studying at Select English. When I arrived in Cambridge my level was bad but after a month I felt more confident with this language. Their teaching method is perfect. The lessons are interesting and fun. Studying is not difficult! Teachers are brilliant, the school is great and all activities are amazing.
Показати деталі » Читати більше...Thank you so much for the kind review , it is really nice to hear feedback from students
I loved every single day at Select English.
Lovely and professionals teachers.
The location was perfect.
Just one bad note: There was no lunch room.
Thank you so much for the kind review , it is really nice to hear feedback from students
Rich! You will learn thousands of different things a part of English. They are a family, lots of extra activities (sport, coffee's, pubs, travels to little towns or cities close to Cambridge) to meet people around the world, really useful to improve your English level.
It was so hard to say goodbye to all the people responsible for the good management of the school. It seems like they are enjoying doing their job, which it is really helpful to people who is a bit afraid of being in other country who knows nobody.
I was able to have a fluent conversation in a few months thanks to their method and the intensive schedule class.
Highly recommended, I really miss all of you guys!
Thank you so much for the kind review , it is really nice to hear feedback from students
I came to Cambridge in order to improve my English. Select English is the second school I attended and in my three months experience and I absolutely loved it! The classes were small and learning process was much easier. Teachers were prepared and kind. Every week they plan new social activities so that your experience is fun as well. Highly recommended!
Показати деталі » Читати більше...Thank you so much for the kind review , it is really nice to hear feedback from students
It would be along the lines of the most amazing experience. I enjoyed every aspect of it. The teachers were tried their best to help each one to get further. Nobody did hesitate to ask if something was unclear. Also, the social program was a good opportunity to know other students & make friends.
All the staff were extremely helpful and approachable and have always been willing to discuss any concerns in a kind manner. Overall Select English was an amazing school.
Thank you so much for your review. We are glad you had such a good time with us and wish you all the best for the future. Come and visit next time you are in town?
Варіант проживання в місцевій сім'і надає студентам можливість дізнатися більше про місцеву культуру в процесі вивчення !of Англійську мови !in Кембридж. Домівки зазвичай знаходяться за 15 - 40 хв до школи громадським транспортом. Зазвичай, сім'ї пропонують доступні схеми харчування, що також надає можливість скуштувати місцеву кухню. Якщо у вас є особливі побажання або дієтичні обмеження (через релігію чи стан здоров'я), будь ласка повідомте нас заздалегідь. Ваше розщміщення починається в неділю перед першим днем занять і закінчується в суботу після останнього дня занять, якщо не зазначено іншого. Дізнатися більше про проживання у сім'і
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner
Ми не можемо подавати заявку на візу від імені студентів. Однак, школа може надати вам всі документи, необхідні для підтримки вашої візи.
Якщо ви навчаєтесь у Великобританії понад 11 місяців, ви отримаєте ідентифікаційний номер, так зване Підтвердження про Зарахування на Навчання (CAS), який вам потрібно представити посольству Великобританії разом з Генеральним додатком Судентської Візи. Студенти, які успішно забронювали мовний курс і виплатили всі необхідні збори будуть отримувати CAS від . Будь ласка, зверніть увагу, закон Великобританії передбачає, що CAS може бути видано тільки тим студентам, які мають намір продовжувати вивчення англійської мови більше 11 місяців.
Якщо ви навчаєтесь у Великобританії протягом 11 місяців або менше, ви повинні подати заявку на спеціальну візу відвідувача називається Студентською Гостьовою візою. Будучи студентом-гостем, Ви не зможете працювати неповний робочий день під час навчання. Якщо ви плануєте вчитися у Великобританії протягом 11 місяців або менше, запрошення буде надіслано на ваш домашній адресу поштою безкоштовно для вас.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Кембридж based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Навчання за кордоном без зайвих переживань з медичним страхуванням та страхуванням особистих речей Language International. При бронюванні курсу з нами, Ви можете вибрати придбати міжнародний план страхування, який охоплює не тільки витрати на охорону вашого здоров'я, а й передбачає втрату ваших особистих речей. Ви повинні забронювати страхування заздалегідь, коли реєструєтесь.
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