Centre Acadèmic Accés
PLAÇA POETA MARQUINA,5-1º-2-ª, Girona, Girona 17002, Spain
Centre Acadèmic Accés
Listening, Speaking, Pronunciation, Reading, Writing, Vocabulary, Grammar і Activities
You can choose from the following class times:
розклад занять може змінюватись залежно від доступності та сезону
The course is for students who want to maximize their language learning practice during their stay. The courses focus heavily on speaking and communication skills: the morning consists of 2 lessons in communication skills and special topics. These lessons provide the opportunity to learn the local culture and customs.
The classes stress the use of language in everyday situations. In 2 lessons each day, students will work on grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, reading, writing, speaking and listening. Textbooks and a variety of other materials are used in instruction, including role-playing, newspapers, magazines and other materials. Topics include: fluency practice, media studies, film and theater, local culture, current events, politics, and research using the internet. Intermediate and advanced students also have the option of studying in the test-preparation and business classes.
Середнє число | 2 студенти |
Максимум | 4 студенти |
Віковий діапазон | 15 років і старші |
Середнє число | 18 років (20 влітку) |
ЦЕНТР ACADÈMIC ACCÉS розташований в центрі Жирони, в безпосередній близькості від історичного центру, коледжів, готелів, торгового центру і в 300 метрах від залізничного та автовокзалу.
Наша школа є однією з найстаріших в Жироні з площею 200 м², великими, та сучасними зручностями.
7 класних кімнат з кондиціонером, Wi-Fi, бібліотека і кімната з 15 комп'ютерами з Інтернетом.
У нас також є навчальний клас, де ви можете комфортно працювати.
З моменту відкриття нашої школи в 1998 році нашою метою завжди було, щоб учні вчилися в приємній, веселій і ефективній формі. Жирона є ідеальним для цього середовищем. Ми також хочемо, щоб ви отримали по-справжньому позитивний і повноцінний особистий досвід, живучи в Жироні.
Етос і розмір нашої школи дозволяють нам обслуговувати вас особисто і допомагати з вашими вимогами.
Наша команда з радістю надасть вам інформацію щодо огляду визначних пам'яток, отримання віз, роботи або чого-небудь ще, що поліпшить ваше навчання під час вашого перебування у нас. Наші викладачі - носії мови, що навчалися в університеті і пройшли курси чи семінари з викладання іспанської мови як іноземної. У нас є уроки, присвячені розмовній мові, граматиці і лексиці, хоча ми приділяємо особливу увагу розмові; ми хочемо, щоб ви швидко заговорили іспанською в своєму повсякденному житті.
У нас є власний збірник кращих матеріалів з найпопулярніших іспанських книг. Студенти працюють в маленьких класах - від 7 до 10 осіб. Це дозволяє вчителю приділяти більше часу навчальним потребам наших студентів. У школі панує інтернаціональна атмосфера, в якій беруть участь 45 національностей і полегшують культурний обмін між нашими учнями.
Ми викладаємо шість рівнів (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) і слідуємо директиві ЄС з вивчення другої мови. Перед початком курсу ви пройдете граматичний і розмовний тест, щоб оцінити свій рівень іспанської мови. Це поставить вас на правильний рівень, і в кінці курсу ви отримуєте мовний сертифікат.
Національна та вікова різноманітність Centre Acadèmic Accés варіюється залежно від періоду часу, курсів та рівнів. Протягом року, середній вік становить 18. Влітку середній вік становить 20.
У школі навчаються студенти з різних країн світу, включаючи:
Acadèmia Accés does не проводить заняття протягом святкових дат вказаних нижче. Школа не компенсуватиме ці канікули, тому переконайтеся, що ви вибрали дату початку відповідно.
ЦЕНТР ACADÈMIC ACCÉS в Жироні розташований в самому серці торгового центру в центрі міста. Він знаходиться недалеко від залізничного та автобусного вокзалів. Відмінне розташування школи означає, що ви завжди в декількох хвилинах ходьби від всіх основних визначних пам'яток Жирони.
While on a trip to Girona, I signed up with Acces Centre Academic to take private lessons. They were two hour lessons for four days and were lots of fun. My teacher, Joanne, was very nice and patient. She covered everything that I had questions about. My goal was more about just getting more practice speaking Spanish, but we also covered plenty of grammar as well. My current level is somewhere around A2/B1. It’s just enough to be able to string a conversation along, if the other person is patient. As many people in Spain speak better English than I do Spanish, most people will quickly switch to English as a courtesy. My lessons with Joanne were great for the practice and that was exactly what I needed.
Показати деталі » Читати більше...Everyone I encountered at the school was warm and helpful. María was my instructor, and she was great. Fortunately and Unfortunately I was the only student studying Catala. I got very personalized attention, but it would have been better for me if there had been at least 1 other student to converse with. More people should learn Catala.
Показати деталі » Читати більше...The Girona school location was very convenient to both the Girona train station and Old Town. The teacher(s) and staff were wonderful and customized the curriculum to my interests. In addition to improving my Spanish, I also learned a lot about the culture in Girona. Overall, it was a great experience.
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Muchas grascias Jennifer!
It was nice to have you in the Academy. Hope to see you again!
I liked the classes very much! I was the only student. So I get a lot of attention.
The teacher, Maria, was very inspirational. She teached me the first important things in Spanish, but also told me a lot about Spain, its literature and culture.
The facilities were good. The only thing I missed was a cup of tea or coffee in between lessons ;-)
Thank you very much, Maria!
Gracias Catharina!
We are very happy you enjoyed the classes. Maria is a great teacher. Hope to see you soon (we promise next time you'll have a good Spanish coffee in your breaks!)
I really enjoyed the teacher and the classes. The school was able to adapt the schedule to my times and the teachers showed a lot of flexibility!
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Muchas gracias Alex!
You are an applied and constant student and you'll achieve a very good level of Spanish.
Hope to see you soon!
The fact that it was more or less a private lesson was good. However it is much preferred to have another in the class to be able to practice after class.
The location was good, facility was good, teacher was knowledgeable.
Something to possibly consider for in future is a short sort of test to ascertain the level of knowledge of Spanish that is present.
and secondly to hear why someone wants to learn Spanish. How they plan to use it in the future.
Certainly for persons like myself for a short course this would be helpful for both parties.
Finally a maximum of 2 hours of classroom lessons. Following that the concentration is reduced and ability to absorb more words, rules etc diminishes.
I did not partake in any social activities.
Muchas gracias Vicki. It was nice to have you in the Academy. We only make groups if all students in the group have the same level.
We'll write down your considerations for future occasions :)
Great experience. I really recommend this school to study Spanish
Показати деталі » Читати більше...Thanks for your review Danilo! We were glad to have you and very happy to know your stay in our school has proven useful!
The academic center was easy to find, the class was well prepared and at my level. The teacher was nice and it was easy to talk with her. Girona is a very rich city, lot of things to do !
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Hi Ezalyne,
Thank you very very much for your review, it really help us to improve our job.
We are looking forward to seeing you again with us.
Thanks a lot and much luck in your future
Ángeles Medina
Centre Acadèmic Accés
At the beginning (monday, thuesday) , the teachers were informed, that my level is A2 instead of A1. That didin't contribute to a good instruction.
I had the impression, that the subjects of the teaching were relatively unstructuratet and the teachers not well preparated. All of that changed, when I mentioned it on thuesday.
I learned a lot, what should be normal for a class of 1 student.
Especialy for individual classes (1 student, 1 teacher), the programm should be inspirated by the students wishes: reading comprehension, listening comprehension, grammar, speaking, especialy what kind of subjects?
Over all, it was a wonderful experience, that could be even more helpfull, when it would have been organized with stricter rules: entering test, wishes of the students, good structure in the lessens, ....
I would like to thank especialy Angeles, woh helped me a lot!
The contact with Simone Reich was very good, thank You too!
Best regards
Urs Suter
Hi Mr. Suter!
Thank you so much for your review. It always help us to improve our job.
We really were informed that your Spanish level was A2 instead of A1 before you came, but fortunately, as we talked about it , we were able to solve the problem the day after.
I hope you carry on improving your Spanish level.
Do your best.
Best regards
Many thanks to this centre and to my teachers! I started to speak and understand from 0 level faster then I can imagine. Everyone was very friendly. The school was in a good location. There was also a big parking very close. I will come back next time to improve my Spanish!
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Thank you very much for your review, it has been really a pleasure to teach you Spanish. I hope every student were like you.
I wish you all the best and I I hope to see you again at our School.
Best regards
Hello, I am Martine Pluvinage and I come from France. I took Catalan courses at the Academic Center Access - Girona. I'm very happy. Everything was good, from the teacher to the director. If I could, I will come again. Thanks to the both of you!
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Hola Martine!
Moltes gràcies pel teu "review".
Et desitjo unes Molt Bones Festes i Any Nou.
Angeles Medina
Hola Martine!
Moltes gràcies de nou pel teu "review"
Et trobem a faltar!! Espero que algun dia hi puguis tornar a estudiar al Centre Acadèmic Accés. També espero que no oblidis el català que vas aprendre.
Fins aviat.
Et desitjo el millor.
Rep una abraçada.
Ángeles Medina
I came across ACCÉS because of it's proximity to my domicile. I am studying a Catalan basic language course focused on business Catalan. My teacher is highly professional and very proficient in the Catalan language and grammar.
In einem Anfängerkurs lerne ich Katalanisch und erhalte einen sehr professionellen Unterricht von ACCÉS. Mein Lehrer hat sehr gute Grammatik Kenntnisse und gestaltet den Unterricht interessant und abwechslungsreich. Ich kann die Schule weiterempfehlen.
Thank you very much for your review.
We are happy that you liked our School and the most important is that you passed your exams with an excellent mark.
We are so proud and you were really a very good student.
I'm from Honduras and I came to Accés 2 months before my selectivity exams for the university, which was a very short period of time to study for exams of such magnitude. The experience was good overall, the teachers and the principal showed interest in my studies and they were all very friendly. It surprised me how much they wanted me to reach the grade I needed.
The facilities were a bit old, but the experience was satisfying. I passed the selectivity exams with an average score of 7.46 out of 10, which is pretty good, and I'm sure that if I had enrolled into Accés 1 or 2 months before my grade would've been higher.
Hi Guillermo!
Thank you very much for your review.
We feel very proud of you, you've got the best mark in ACCÉS TO THE UNIVERSITY in only two months.. that is really a record!!
Thanks a lot and I hope you're able to come again to visit us.
Ми не можемо подавати заявку на візу від імені студентів.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Жирона based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Навчання за кордоном без зайвих переживань з медичним страхуванням та страхуванням особистих речей Language International. При бронюванні курсу з нами, Ви можете вибрати придбати міжнародний план страхування, який охоплює не тільки витрати на охорону вашого здоров'я, а й передбачає втрату ваших особистих речей. Ви повинні забронювати страхування заздалегідь, коли реєструєтесь.
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