Calle Baracoa, 2 , Ed. Terrazas del Mar II, Almuñécar, Granada 18690, Spain
Listening, Speaking, Pronunciation, Reading, Writing, Vocabulary, Grammar і Activities
You can choose from the following class times:
розклад занять може змінюватись залежно від доступності та сезону
This program is mainly designed for young people eager to develop their Spanish language skills whilst benefiting from an exciting variety of cultural and social activities. All of our teachers are native speakers and we do not mix students of the same nationality or mother tongue in the same room, unless specifically requested.
These courses are taught in all levels, from beginner to advanced. On the first day the student will be placed in a group of his/her level after being tested in the four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing).
The Homestay Summer Multi-Activity program includes 20 weekly Spanish lessons from 9:30 a.m. to 13:00 (1 lesson = 45 minutes), homestay accommodation (full board, double room), 1 full day excursion per week, 1 half day excursion per week, a supervised programme of games, leisure activities & evening entertainment, local taxes on accommodation/excursions, city tour and laundry every week for homestay.
Середнє число | 10 студентів |
Максимум | 15 студентів |
Віковий діапазон | 13 - 18 років |
Середнє число | 16 років (15 влітку) |
• Якісні курси і академічна довершеність
Навчальний план фокусується на навичках спілкування і навчання
7 рівнів від початкового до вищого рівня
Успішне завершення кожного рівня пов'язане з чітким набором того, що студент вже «може зробити»
Щотижневе студентське навчання з учителем для оцінки прогресу
Безкоштовна мовна консультація
Учителі мають вищу освіту і професійну кваліфікацію SFL
Поточна програма розвитку вчителів
• Швидка і ефективна служба адміністрування
Відповіді на всі запити клієнтів протягом 24 годин
Відповіді на всі резервування клієнтів протягом 24 годин
• Контактний номер телефону доступний нашим клієнтам 24 години
24-годинний номер мобільного телефону для дзвінка становить 654 12 81 46. При дзвінку з іноземного телефону (включаючи мобільні телефони), будь ласка, також наберіть код країни для Іспанії, 34.
• Відмінна національна суміш
• Якісні послуги та навчальні ресурси
Доглянута сучасна будівля в центрі міста
7 світлих і добре обладнаних навчальних кімнат
Безкоштовний доступ в Інтернет для студентів
• Відмінний сервіс розміщення та готельні послуги
Приймаючі сім'ї строго відбираються і контролюються за допомогою регулярних перевірок і відгуків клієнтів
Деталі розміщення висилаються за 10 робочих днів
• Контроль якості
Оціночні анкети перевіряються щотижня, щоб гарантувати задоволеність клієнтів.
Оціночні опитувальники аналізуються для статистичних цілей (статистика за запитом)
• Соціальне життя
Повна програма заходів, що дозволяє студентам зустрічатися з людьми з усього світу
Екскурсії в мальовничі місця в Нерха-Фріхіліана і Гібралтар
Екскурсія на цілий день по місцевих визначних пам'ятках і місцях, які представляють культурний інтерес (Гранада, Малага, Аквапарк AquaTropic)
Відкрийте для себе Альмуньєкар - прогулянка по місту
Вивчайте іспанський танець (севільянас, фламенко, сальса)
Активний відпочинок (входить у вартість): пляжні ігри, вікторина в місті, пошук скарбів, шоу талантів, відвідування музеїв, пляжний волейбол, футбол, баскетбол, міні-олімпіада, сноркелінг, більярд, клубний вечір, фестиваль фламенко
Візит в кіно і кінопроекція
Уроки гастрономії
Літературні дискусії
Пропонуються Курси гольфу, верхової їзди, парусного спорту, дайвінгу та віндсерфінгу
Національна та вікова різноманітність CICA варіюється залежно від періоду часу, курсів та рівнів. Протягом року, середній вік становить 16. Влітку середній вік становить 15.
Альмуньєкар з видом на кришталево чисте і спокійне Середземне море вважається одним з найкрасивіших і наймальовничіших місць «тропічного узбережжя Гранади» - гірського пейзажу, що спускається до моря, де ростуть авокадо, культивовані яблука, манго, папайя, банани і гуави. Це можливо тільки через виняткові температури в районі, між 18ºC (64ºF) взимку і 25ºC (77ºF) влітку. Особливо відома краса морського дна.
До міста легко дістатися, менш ніж за годину їзди від міст Малага і Гранада.
Краса старого міста, що нагадує про інші культури і цивілізації (бронза, фінікійці, римляни, араби і християни), вражає відвідувачів. Ці культури і цивілізації сформували образ теплого і гостинного міста, серце якого викладено паралельними вулицями, що виходять з плато на вершині пагорба, де замок Сан-Мігель підноситься над білими будинками, що розкинулися навколо нього.
Традиція і сучасність сформували місто, яке знає, як адаптуватися до нинішніх часів завдяки розвитку туризму та створенню готелів і апартаментів. Відвідувачі зможуть знайти широкий вибір житла, щоб насолодитися численними пляжами (всього 26), багато з яких розташовані серед скель і пагорбів.
The classes were well-planned and the teachers spoke Spanish all the time, which I think was good because that way you get more into the language. The location is perfect - Almuñecár is a small, very cozy town located more or less one hour away from both Granada and Malaga. It is walking distance to everything you need. The beaches are beautiful and it feels very local. The facilities are very nice, the school has an outdoor area with a court for sports and the classrooms are spacious.
The activities offered by CICA are various and fun. We did a walking tour around Almuñecár, as well as visiting cities like Malaga, Granada and Nerja. In Almuñecár we went scuba diving, wind surfing, visited a water land, played beach volleyball, played different types of sports and much more. The host families and housings were great. To stay with a host family is, in my opinion, the best way to experience the Spanish lifestyle. Everyone had a separate room for their students to share with each other and everyone lived walking distance to school and activities. The families really took care of the students and did their best to show them the life of a Spanish family.
I liked:
What I liked the most about this program was learning with teachers and then practicing what we've learnt with the family and the mentor. Now I have more conversation skills. We weren't many students, so it was easier to learn and to dare to speak. All of us could ask about any doubts we had. Each activity (diving and wind-surfing) was very interesting. Ever since this experience, I do wind-surfing during the summer.
I didn't like:
It was like being at home - you have to say where you came from when you get home and where you will be going at night.
I've been to Almunecar and CICA for two summers and had also gone back to Almunecar on holiday twice. The city is wonderful and I´ve learned more Spanish there than I did at home during years of study.
The teachers were professional, committed and interested so that we would really learn. The classes were sufficiently small in size, which meant that you could get as much help as needed.
The first time I was there, I stayed with a host family along with some other students. The family was fantastic and we were very well cared for. The second time, we stayed at Hotel Carmen in central Almunecar. It was noticeable that they had extensive experience with students and they took good care of us. The rooms were cozy, the food was good and there was a pool on the roof!
There is plenty to do in the spare time and for three weeks you hardly have time to do everything. We did activities such as outdoor cinema, outdoor concerts, discos, tapas, flamenco, billiard, the Moorish castle, aquarium and shopping at the Friday market. We also had a beach volleyball tournament along with Spanish students. There is also a large water park, Aqua Tropic, where you can spend a lot of time. In addition, we went on several tours outside Almunecar such as Malaga with the Picasso museum and shopping, Granada with Alhambra and the caves in beautiful Nerja.
I really have nothing but positive things to say about Almunecar and the school! The only negative thing was that time went by too fast!
I really liked my trip to Almuñecár! The Spanish lessons were really good and I improved my Spanish a lot. My teacher was nice and very competent. She helped me to learn more grammar and to not be afraid to talk more Spanish. The activities after school were also fun! The scuba diving and sports activities were the most fun. I also really liked when we went to Malaga. My host family took very good care of me. They gave me a lot of food and they were really nice to me.
Показати деталі » Читати більше...My trip to Almuñecar was a good experience that I will never forget. I got to know new people from my country (Norway) and from Sweden; some of them are still good friends of mine that I keep in touch with. The classes were very good. The teachers spoke in an understanding way (they did not talk too fast), and I learned a lot of Spanish, much more than I did when I took Spanish classes here in Norway. The location was perfect! Almuñecar is a small, lovely town in the south of Spain. The people there are very kind and welcoming. I lived in a hotel close to the beach with some students and language tour guides. Some other students also lived with host families. The hotel was pretty close to the school, so we could walk to the school. The hotel also had a little pool at the roof. The climate was lovely and warm, so it was nice to live close to the beach. I often spent the afternoons at the beach with the other students. The activities were fun and varied. We had different competitions by the beach, we played beach volley, and we had a quiz/treasure hunt through the city. We also tried scuba diving, windsurf and paddling, and we got to see a real flamenco-show and eat traditional Spanish tapas. We had some excursions, for instance to Malaga to explore the city, to do some shopping and to visit the Picasso Museum. We also went to Granada where we got to explore the amazing La Alhambra, and we went to the caves of Nerja. I always felt secure and well cared for, I could always talk to the language tour guides or the teachers at CICA if I needed any help. All of this made my trip to Almuñecar an experience that I will always remember, and I would love to go back there one day.
Показати деталі » Читати більше...The school was good. It wasn't too far away from the hotel I was staying in, but it was a little outdated when it came to IT. Everything was either on the blackboard or on paper.
The facilities were good.
The activities were limited but they were okay.
To spend a summer in Almuñécar is worth all the money. To move to another country, than you come from, in some weeks is so fantastic. Almuñécar is a great city with a lot of possibilities and where the Spanish culture is very prominent.
Living with an unknown family is a unique experience. I was very surprised, when I found out that "my" family in Spain couldn't speak or understand English, but to communicate with them was no problem at all. They were so sweet, that I felt it was like my own home and they were my new family. We became very good friends. It was nice to live with other students. We went out together and we loved to be home and just talk about all the things we had experienced.
The school and the teachers were very good. In the school, we had to talk as much as possible - then it was also an essay for us to talk with the locals outside the school. The exercises were very funny to make and we learned a lot of grammar - I still got a lot of pleasure out of it in the high school. It was summer, it was warm, and it was Spain, so of course we were at the beach after school and during the weekends. There was also time for shopping and to see Almuñécar. We had a lot of spare time, but some days our very kind leaders took us on excursions, to see what Andalucia could offer (Granada, Malaga, Nerja, Aqua Tropic Water Park). The leaders took good care of us, so we had a good time. They were always in the neighbourhood, not more than a phone call away.
The best part of the whole trip was meeting friends. We spent so much time together in Almuñécar - in school, in our spare time, on excursions, and in the evenings when we went out having some fun. We had so much fun together and they are friendships I'll never forget. It was a super summer in Almuñécar.
Many, many thanks for your referral. I really appreciated the great insight you offered about your three week course in our school. We enjoyed hosting you and hoping to see you again in Almunecar. Take care
Варіант проживання в місцевій сім'і надає студентам можливість дізнатися більше про місцеву культуру в процесі вивчення !of Іспанську мови !in Альмуньекар. Домівки зазвичай знаходяться за 10 - 15 хв до школи громадським транспортом. Зазвичай, сім'ї пропонують доступні схеми харчування, що також надає можливість скуштувати місцеву кухню. Якщо у вас є особливі побажання або дієтичні обмеження (через релігію чи стан здоров'я), будь ласка повідомте нас заздалегідь. Ваше розщміщення починається в неділю перед першим днем занять і закінчується в суботу після останнього дня занять, якщо не зазначено іншого. Дізнатися більше про проживання у сім'і
Homestay - 2-person shared room - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
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Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Альмуньекар based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
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